Time : 12:16 (am)


The Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Licensing System is regulated under the Ozone Layer Protection Regulations 2006. 


  1. Control imports of Ozone Depleting Substances
  2. Monitor the total quantity of ODS imports 
  3. Control imports of new and second hand equipment containing ODS
  4. Track imports that may look illegal
  5. Collect accurate data of ODS in Samoa


Form 1: License to Handle Controlled Substances

Form 2. License to Import Controlled Substances

(Application forms are available on the 'Form' Link) 

The licensing system hinges upon the proper use of certain forms set by the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. These forms carry the relevant information needed to facilitate entry of ozone depleting substances and ODS-based equipment into the country.  They are of paramount importance because they provide the evidence needed to substantiate the claims of the importer, support the position taken by Customs in each case and maintain proper records.


All persons who wish to import/handle/distribute/sell or purchase controlled substances and or apparatus that use controlled substances must apply to the National Ozone Unit within the Meteorology Division under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Meteorology for a license to import/handle/distribute/sell or purchase controlled ozone-depleting substances and or apparatus that use the same substances.


If the applicant wishes to handle controlled substances then the applicant must fill in Form 1 – Application for a license to handle controlled substances. Examples of a handling activity include recovery, recycling, recharging, refilling or capturing of ozone-depleting substances.

If the applicant wishes to apply for a license to import controlled substances and/or goods containing controlled substances, the applicant must fill in Form 2 – Application for a license to import controlled substances.  This form must be filled in by all individuals or business entities who wish to import controlled substances and/or goods containing controlled substances.

An applicant must uplift the required form from the Ozone Section at the Meteorology Division at Mulinuu or download form from this website.


All applicants must note the following when applying for any type of license except those who import second-hand goods containing controlled substance as personal effects:

1.    An applicant must;

  • have at least 5 years of appropriate trade experience
  • have adequate knowledge of the relevant code of practice
  • have an accreditation certificate to handle ozone-depleting substances (or controlled substance)
  • have appropriate resources, equipment, systems and mechanisms needed to carry out the work.

2.   Any applicant may be required to pass a practical examination, as the Chief Executive Officer requires before granting or renewal of any license.

3.   All application forms must bear the signature of the proper authority before submitting the application to the Ozone Section.

4.   The successful applicant must pay a license fee as per Schedule of Charges before issuance of any license.



License to Handle controlled substances - $50.00 

License to Import controlled substances - $100.00