Time : 06:01 (am)

The SMD mandate to provide meteorological, geo-science, climate change advise in support of sustainable development of natural resources. SMD is also responsible of the following areas.

National Tropical Cyclone Center

SMD is responsible for the National Tropical Cyclone Warning Center (NTCWC) that provides cyclone forecasts warnings and other non-cyclonic severe weather events. The NTCWC operates and governs by approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The National Tropical Cyclone Warning System sends alerts via SMS to selected community representatives and response agencies.

Local Weather

SMD provides Public Weather and Coastal Forecasts for the public (twice a day), and in course of being certified to provide Aviation Weather Forecasts for all airlines operating within Samoa's air space.

Seismic Monitoring

SMD is responsible for seismic monitoring in Samoa. It operates a network of seismograph that provides real time and continuous monitoring of earthquakes and study of ground motion. The seismic information collected streams into Samoa's National Tsunami Warning System.

National Tsunami Warning Center

SMD provides tsunami warnings and alerts for Samoa. The NTC operates and governs by approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Samoa's Tsunami Early Warning System has the capability for sending SMS to selected community representatives and agencies.

National Climate Early Warning System (CLEWS)

SMD is responsible for CLEWS, that provides tailored alerts, climate forecasts, El Nino Southern Oscillation updates, climate summaries, climate trends, climate data for sectoral planning and to manage climate risks.

National Weather, Climate, and Sea Level Observation Network

SMD administers a well established National Weather and Climate Observation Network. The network consists of 42 manual rainfall stations, 8 manual climate stations (2 of which are synoptic stations), 12 automated raingauges with telemetry capability, 2 AgMet stations and 19 full automatic weather stations (AWS).

Historical Climate Data

SMD keeps detailed historical data sets on wide range of climate information. This information is often used by businesses such as construction, engineering, commercial agriculture and shipping companies.

SMD provides educational tours of the Main Meteorological Head Office at Mulinu’u. Prior arrangements are required. For more information on these visits, please call +685 20855.



NEA keeps detailed historical data sets on wide range of climate information. This information is often used by businesses such as construction and shipping companies. For an online catalogue and details on how to purchase historical climate data - See more at: http://app2.nea.gov.sg/weather-climate/meteorological-service-singapore#sthash.bBIUC7aP.dpuf