Time : 05:42 (pm)

Samoa, like most Pacific Island states, is vulnerable to natural disasters and to external economic and trade developments over which it has little control. Natural disasters include tropical cyclones, prolonged episodes of drought, storm surges, coastal and infrastructure flooding, and infestation by pests and diseases

Government of Samoa through the Samoa Meteorology Division and communities have identified the need to develop a Climate Early Warning System (CLEWS) to enable improved access to climate information, improved climate services to vulnerable economical sectors and to build resilience through Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation inter-linkages. 

The following diagram outlines the data flow and various components of the Samoa Climate Early Warning System (CLEWS).

The main components that are paramount to Samoa's CLEWS are (a) Data Capture and Near Real Time access (b) Data Management and Processing (c) Data Quality Assurance (d) Climate Services production and Customization (e) Communication of Climate Services.

Climate Early Warning System for Agriculture sector

Climate Early Warning System for Forestry sector

Climate Early Warning System for Tourism sector

Climate Early Warning System for Health sector

Climate Early Warning System for Water sector

Climate Early Warning for the Marine Environment sector